Character Exchange

The marketplace for character definitions

Buy CharacterAI definitions for high-quality characters made by experienced AI creators

For buyers

Thousands of characters

Browse our catalog of different character definitions and buy the perfect one

Wide selection

Find popular and also less known characters from all kinds of source material, for all kinds of interactions.

Character variations

You want a specific character, but in a different setting, or a non-canon role? We got you covered.

How it works

Upload your definition

We make it easy for you to upload your private character to CharacterAI

What is a character definition?

On CharacterAI, you can create your own private character with a long text called a character definition. This description is responsible for the personality, talking style, and many more things that make your character into who they are.

How do I create my own character?

Once you have found the perfect definition for the character that you always wanted, you can simply copy-paste the text to your CharacterAI account. Now you have your own private character, just for yourself!

For creators

Build characters for the world

Monetize your AI skills by selling high-quality character definitions that you wrote

List your work


Showcase your characters in the catalog and set the price yourself.

Tailor-made Definition


We connect you with buyers who want a custom character.

Our quality check

We are an accepting marketplace, and we don't judge anybody. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to decline character listings if they don't fit our high quality standards, or if they are violating the law.

© 2024 Character Exchange. All rights reserved. We are not affiliated to CharacterAI.